Individual Tax Services

We offer individual tax returns. Whether your return is simple or complex with sole trader business or a contractor we have you covered.
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Income Tax Return Preparation

Anyone can file an individual tax return, but it takes a professional to make sure you gain back everything you’re owed. We remove the burden of administration from you and ensure every deadline is met.

We help clients understand and address their employment tax obligations to ensure compliance and optimal tax positioning for their business and employees.

For many Sole Traders, completing their tax return on your own is a stressful and time-consuming task, especially if left to the last minute. As the Australian tax system becomes ever more complex, it’s time to get confident about your tax affairs. See our comprehensive suite of individual tax return services, delivered by our expert team of accountants and specialists.


We provide bookkeeping services with a very affordable cost, professional and proven approach that has worked for many local businesses. When you want to focus on growing your business, we can take care of all the bookkeeping admin and keep an eye on your ongoing obligations for you.

As been a certified Xero partner we can also provide you special discounts on your Xero Subscription.

We also partner with Myob, Quickbooks and Reckon Elite

Preparation of Rental Property Schedules

Owners of rental property need good tax advice. Renting a property demands lot many legalities and documentation. We make it easy for our clients by guiding them and also by providing professional services. We can also advice on rental property depreciation schedule.

Calculation of Capital Gain Tax Consequences on sale of any Assets

Selling any assets is considered as capital gain and attracts tax on the same. Capital gains tax is the taxation of capital assets. The taxation is classified by the length in which you own the asset. Gains earned through the sale of assets are taxable income. Our team can help to effectively calculate capital gain tax consequences on Assets like, Property, Shares or every Crypto Currencies.

Taxation Planning and structuring

Planning tax is as import as making income and expenses statement. We help individuals save their tax expenses by planning it in advance.

We help clients understand tax structure by providing them with all tax rates, duties and calculation of the same.

Business Activity Statements

Lodging your BAS is critical as a business owner, to avoid unnecessary penalties from the ATO. The longer you leave it before lodging, the higher the penalty can be.

While your business may not have the cash to pay your BAS, it’s important to still lodge your BAS on time, every time. Any interest the ATO may charge on amounts owed is vastly cheaper than the penalties for non-lodgment or late lodgment of your returns.

Lodging your BAS, even with past due ones is where our professional team at Accure Tax can assist you. We can talk to the ATO on your behalf, so you don’t have to.

We can also assist you with setting up payment plans with the ATO for overdue debt, which could include GST, PAYGI (Instalments), PAYGW (Withholding), fuel tax, and fringe benefits payments.


We are also open after working hours and weekends during stressful tax times to ensure that our client lodgments are during by due dates.

Accure Tax Accountants are proud expert Xero bronze members on the northern Gold Coast. This cloud-based technology has seen us take our clients’ businesses to the next level, empowering us to give better, more accurate financial guidance. Our team of Xero Accountants can help you and your business transition to the platform and provide your business an ongoing support.

Accure Tax Accountants also a partner member of MYOB and QuickBooks to help our business community in vast.

If you prefer to complete your tax return remotely, please email us on and we can book an appointment through Google Meet or Zoom meetings.

Enquiry Form

If you prefer to complete your tax return remotely, please email us on and we can book an appointment through Google Meet or Zoom meetings.

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